If you have additional questions which are not addressed below, please feel free to contact us via email or by phone.
Are taxes included in the price?​
No taxes. Child care is exempt.

When are tax receipts sent out to families?​
February 28.

Do you toilet train? ​

Can I drop my child off at your centre anytime I want? ​
Full day children only.

Do you have pets on site? ​
At the moment we do not.

Is there a scheduled nap time or quiet time for all of the age groups? ​
Preschool children from around 1-2 (For the children that do not nap, quiet activities (books, puzzles, journals etc.) are provided until the other children wake up), and school aged children in summer have a quiet reading period.

Do your staff apply sunscreen when the children go outside? ​
Parents are asked to apply sunblock in the morning and staff will assist or apply in the afternoon.

How do I integrate my child into your programme?​
Parents spend a full morning with their child when they register. If your child needs you for a longer period, this can be arranged.

What do I need to bring for my child? ​
A list is provided in the Family Handbook.

How many children are in each programme? ​
Infant (8) Toddler (12) Preschool Full day (16) School Aged (30). Whenever age groups are mixed, we always go with the lowest teacher/child ratio.

What is the teacher/child ratio in your centre? ​
Infant (4:1) Toddler (6:1) Preschool (8:1) and School Aged (15:1). *when age groups are mixed, we always go with the lowest ratio.

How will I know how my child is doing in your programme? ​
Email, call or talk to your child’s teacher.

Is there a waitlist? ​
Yes for all age groups.

I have been on the waitlist for 3 months. Am I still on it? ​
Yes. We do ask that you please contact us (via email or phone) every 3 months to update us on your interest.

What are your staffs' qualifications? Do they have their Early Childhood Education?​
All staff has the Community Services Orientation Programme, Classification Levels 1, 2 or 3.

What disinfectants do you use in your childcare programme? ​
Only certified green cleaners and they are never used when children are present.

What is subsidized Care? How do I apply for Subsidy? ​
The Department of Community Services may provide a partial payment of child care fees for people who meet their criteria. The contact information for the person in charge of subsidy will be provided upon request.

What is your process for sick children in your care?​
If children have a high fever, vomiting or diarrhea, parents will be contacted to pick up their child. They are expected to arrive within one hour. Children may return after 24 hours as long as symptoms have subsided. Slight fevers are tolerated as long as the child is not upset or uncomfortable.

Do parents have to pay fees for days that their child does not attend due to illness or vacation?​
Yes, this is necessary to hold their child’s spot. In cases of extended illness or family hardships, the director may waive the fee from time to time.

What kind of discipline is used in your program? ​
Positive guidance techniques are used to help the child learn self-discipline and control. A Calm Down area (the Peace Table) is provided where children and teachers work out solutions to problems, work on skill development and conflict resolution. No form of corporal punishment is ever used.

Are meals included? Are vegetarian meals offered?​
Meals are included and we offer vegetarian choices.

Are there any times throughout the year that you are closed?​
We are closed for statutory holidays and extreme weather conditions.