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Snacks & Lunch

​Morning snack runs from about 9:30 am to 10:30 am (or whenever hunger strikes) and may include 2-3 sittings.

Afternoon snack is an open snack that runs from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm (or whenever hunger strikes). 

Lunchtime runs from 12 noon to 1 pm. 


Our menu is posted in the entrance or can be downloaded here (click here to see version a PDF)

Food & Nutrition Policy

We follow the Standards for Food and Nutrition in Regulated Child Care Settings by the Nova Scotia Department of Community Services (Regulations 25 and 26 in the Day Care Regulations) and Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide, Health Canada 2007. We develop menus that meet the Food and Beverage Criteria.


  • Serve foods low in sodium, sugar and fat, and high in fibre and vitamins
  • Serve wholesome, homemade, local and organic products whenever possible
  • Involve children in meal preparation and serving
  • Do not use food in play and we minimize food waste
  • Respect and adhere to special dietary considerations (regarding allergies, cultural and religious requirements)
  • Create a meal time environment that supports all children in developing healthy eating habits and behaviours and model positive attitudes towards healthy food and nutrition
  • Provide an unhurried time of eating and conversation – teachers sit and eat with each group of children
  • Never use food as a reward or withhold food as a punishment
  • Support and provide a comfortable area for breastfeeding
  • Always provide drinking water
  • Post our menu and any changes to the menu
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© 2021 Prospect Bay Children's Centre

Prospect Bay Children’s Centre will be solar powered in 2025!

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